Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What days are lacrosse games and practices

Typically games and practices are Monday through Thursday, but there are occasional games on weekends for out of town teams travelling to the Edmonton area, and all tournaments, provincials and jamborees happen on weekends. All efforts are done to have consistent days, but floor availability and game schedules prevent specific days of the week

How long does the minor lacrosse season last?

The lacrosse season in Fort Saskatchewan begins with evaluations in March and the season starts in early April. The regualar season wraps up in late June with playoffs running at the end of June and pernding your teams success in playoffs, can last into early July. Lacrosse provincials are in mid July if your team has registered for the provincial tournament.

What equipment do I need to play?

Kneepads (volleyball)
Helmet with cage (Hockey or Lacrosse)
Shoulder pads (Hockey or Lacrosse)
Slash Guards (Lacrosse)
Kidney Guards (Lacrosse)
Protective cup / jill (Hockey)
Lacrosse Stick
Gloves (Hockey or Lacrosse)
Good clean runners for cement floors

How long should kids lacrosse sticks be?

The lacrosse stick should not be more than forty-six (46 inches), nor less than forty (40 inches), and not more than eight (8 inches), nor less than four and one half (4 1/2 inches) in width.

In U13 and all lower divisions, the minimum length of the stick can be thirty-four (34 inches). Sticks should be cut as short as is allowed. The kids will learn to catch and cradle a lot easier.

Why Should Hockey Players Play Lacrosse?

- Lacrosse and hockey are very similar sports
- U.S. College scholarship opportunities in lacrosse are available
- Hockey players excel in lacrosse
- It is a great method to increase physical fitness in hockey’s off season
- Team sports build self esteem, respect, integrity, and fairness
- Lacrosse teaches leadership skills
- It helps prevent sport burn-out by playing a new, fast-paced sport
- Players of all fitness levels and abilities can compete in lacrosse
- A player can learn basic plays and strategies
- A player can learn to play both offensive and defensive positions and make a quick transition from defence to offence and vice versa
- It reinforces the importance of quickness and agility around the net
- Lacrosse increases hand-eye co-ordination when stick handling
- It teaches players to play with their head up and to be more aware of their surroundings
- Offensive scoring skills are honed by shooting at smaller targets and picking corners
- Defensive skills are taught with individual and team concepts
- Lacrosse teaches the creativity of fakes, back passes, & shots
- Lacrosse is run in 5-player units and helps the hockey player practice playing a team concept
- It is inexpensive to equip lacrosse players as most hockey equipment can be used in lacrosse

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Upcoming Events

Feb. 17, 2025 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Lacrosse Open Drop In Sessions

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Feb. 22, 2025 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

A Level Try Outs

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Feb. 23, 2025 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

A Level Try Outs

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